Glide is committed to ensuring that all employees, job applicants, customers and other people with whom we deal are treated fairly and are not subjected to unfair or unlawful discrimination.
This policy is not contractual, but aims to set out the way in which Glide aims to manage equal opportunity.
Scope of this policy
This policy applies to all employees, including those on part-time, apprentice, fixed-term and job-share contracts, as well as other workers and agency staff.
Aims of this policy
Our policy is designed to ensure that current and potential workers are offered the same opportunities regardless of a protected characteristic (sex, race, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, gender reassignment) or indeed any other characteristic unrelated to the performance of the job.
We seek to ensure that no one suffers, either directly or indirectly, as a result of unlawful discrimination. This extends beyond the individual’s own characteristics, to cover discrimination by association and by perception.
We recognise that an effective equal opportunity policy will help all employees to develop to their full potential, which is clearly in the best interests of both our employees and our business. We aim to ensure that we not only observe the relevant legislation but also do whatever is necessary to provide genuine equality of opportunity.
We expect everyone who works for us to be treated and to treat others with respect. Our aim is to provide a working environment free from harassment, intimidation or discrimination in any form that may affect the dignity of the individual.
We further recognise the benefits of employing individuals from a range of backgrounds, as this creates a workforce where creativity and valuing difference in others thrives. We value the wealth of experience within the community in which we operate and aspire to have a workforce that reflects this.
Legal considerations
The following pieces of legislation apply to this policy:
- the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
- the Protection from Harassment Act 1997
- the Human Rights Act 1998
- the Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999
- the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006
- the Equality Act 2010
- the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013
- any Codes of Practice issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission
- plus any amendments to the above legislation
Discrimination may be direct or indirect, and can take different forms, for example:
- treating any individual less favourably than others on grounds of a protected characteristic (sex, race, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, gender reassignment)
- expecting a person, solely on the grounds stated above, to comply with requirements that are different to the requirements for others, for any reason whatsoever
- imposing on an individual requirements that are in effect more onerous than they are on others. This would include applying a condition (which is not warranted by the requirements of the position) which makes it more difficult for members of a particular group to comply than others not of that group
- harassment – i.e. unwanted conduct which has “the purpose, intentionally or unintentionally, of violating dignity, or which creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment” for the individual
- victimisation – i.e. treating a person less favourably because he or she has committed a “protected act”. “Protected acts” include previous legal proceedings brought against the employer or the perpetrator, or the giving of evidence at a disciplinary or grievance hearing or at tribunal, or making complaints about the perpetrator or the employer or their alleged discriminatory practices
- discrimination by association – i.e. someone is discriminated against because he or she associates with someone who possesses a protected characteristic
- discrimination by perception – i.e. discrimination on the grounds that the person is perceived as belonging to a particular group , (e.g. sexual orientation, religion or belief), irrespective of whether or not this is correct
- any other act or omission of an act, which has the effect of disadvantaging one person against another, purely on the above grounds.
On all occasions where those in control of employees are required to make judgments between them, for example disciplinary matters, selection for training, promotion, pay increases, awards etc, it is essential that merit, experience, skills and temperament are considered as objectively as possible.
Responsibility for this policy
The overall responsibility for implementing and monitoring the effectiveness of this policy rests with Glide’s senior management. Managers and supervisors have a crucial role to play in promoting equality of opportunity in their own areas of responsibility.
All employees, irrespective of their job or seniority, will be given guidance and instruction, through our induction and other training, as to their responsibility and role in promoting equality of opportunity and not discriminating unfairly or harassing colleagues, job applicants or ex-employees, nor encouraging others to do so nor tolerating such behaviour. Disciplinary action, including dismissal, may be taken against any employee found guilty of unfair discrimination or harassment. Employees should be aware that not only is the employer liable for any cases of discrimination or harassment that occur, but individuals also may be held personally liable for their own acts and behaviour.
Recruitment and selection
We aim, through written instruction, appropriate training and supervision, to ensure that all those who are responsible for recruitment and selection are familiar with this policy and apply it in conjunction with our recruitment policy.
Selection will be conducted on an objective basis and will focus on the applicants’ suitability for the job and their ability to fulfil the job requirements. Our interest is in the skills, abilities, qualifications, aptitude and the potential of individuals to do their jobs.
Person specifications will be reviewed to ensure that criteria are not applied which are discriminatory, either directly or indirectly, and that they do not impose any condition or requirement which cannot be justified by the demands of the post. Questions asked of candidates will relate to information that will help assess their ability to do the job. Questions about marriage plans, family intentions, religious or political commitments, caring responsibilities, intention to join our pension scheme or to opt out, or about any other issues which may give rise to suspicions of unlawful discrimination should not be asked. Selection tests will be specifically related to the job and measure an individual’s actual, or inherent, ability to do or train for the job.
Job adverts should encourage applications from all types of candidates and should not be stereotyped. All adverts should state: “Glide is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity”. When advertising a position which has traditionally been done by one sex, adverts should specify they are open to both sexes.
Training and development
Glide recognises that equal opportunity responsibilities do not end at selection and is committed to ensure that wherever possible all employees receive the widest possible range of development opportunities for advancement.
All employees will be encouraged to discuss their career prospects and training needs with their manager. Opportunities for promotion and training will be communicated and made available to everyone on a fair and equal basis.
The provision of training will be reviewed to ensure that part-time workers, shift or remote workers or those returning to work following a break are able to benefit from training. No age limits apply for entry to training or development schemes – these are open to all employees.
Terms and conditions of employment
We will ensure that all of our policies including compensation, benefits and any other relevant issues associated with terms and conditions of employment are formulated and applied without regard to a protected characteristic (sex, race, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, gender reassignment) or indeed any other characteristic unrelated to the performance of the job.
These will be reviewed regularly to ensure there is no discrimination. Length of service as a qualifying criterion for benefits will not exceed five years unless clearly justifiable. Employees will not be subjected to any detriment if they wish to join our pension scheme, nor will they be offered any inducement not to do so. This would include refusing promotion or training to someone who decided not to opt-out, or refusing or reducing a pay increase if it would bring the worker within the band of earnings that would make him/her eligible for auto-enrolment.
Grievances, disputes and disciplinary procedure
Employees who believe they have been discriminated against and have not been able to resolve this informally are advised to use our internal grievance procedure. An employee who brings a complaint of discrimination must not be less favourably treated.
Bullying or harassment will not be tolerated, and any individual who feels that he or she has been subjected to bullying or harassment should refer to our internal bullying & harassment policy. Equally, anyone who witnesses incidents of bullying or harassment should report this to his/her manager or an appropriate senior member of staff.
When dealing with general disciplinary matters, care is to be taken that employees or workers who have, are perceived to have, or are associated with someone who has, a protected characteristic are not dismissed or disciplined for performance or behaviour which could be overlooked or condoned in other employees or workers.
We will not discriminate against individuals who have left our organisation by providing references that are not based on factual information nor fail to provide one based on a protected characteristic.
We have no fixed retirement age and anyone who wishes to work beyond State Pension Age may choose to do so.
Positive action
We also recognise that passive policies will not reverse the discrimination experienced by many groups of people. To this end, if certain groups are under-represented within our business we will actively seek to encourage applications from those groups.
The decision as to which applicant is offered a post (either recruitment or promotion) must be based entirely on the merit of the individual. However, where two candidates are equally qualified and suitable in all other respects, we may decide to offer the post to a candidate who is from a group that is under-represented in our workforce at that particular level.
Communication of this policy
All job applicants, employees and workers will be made aware of this policy and a copy will be included in our Employee Handbook, given to all employees on joining us. Customers and suppliers will also be made aware of this policy through our website.
In addition, employees will be reminded of the policy from time to time through such means as advertisements, application forms, posters, training courses and emails.
HR policies and procedures
Our HR policies and procedures will be reviewed regularly to improve, amend or adapt current practices to promote equality of opportunity within our business.
Relevant data will be collected to support this. Personal details provided by employees or job applicants for the purposes of equal opportunity monitoring are confidential, will be kept apart from all other records and not used for any other purpose.
Implementation, monitoring and review of this policy
This policy will take effect from 01/04/2011 and was last reviewed in April 2014.
Our HR team has overall responsibility for implementing and monitoring this policy, which will be reviewed on a regular basis following its implementation and may be changed from time to time.
Any queries or comments about this policy should be addressed to our HR team.