Health & Safety policy


Glide is committed to ensure the health and safety of its employees and anyone else that may be affected by its activities. It recognises that commitment to a high level of safety makes good business sense and acknowledges that health and safety is a business function that must continually develop and adapt to change.

Safety is the responsibility of everyone within the company and is not only a function of management. The company approach to health and safety is based on providing a safe working environment and minimising risks.

A positive safety culture will be encouraged within the company and will be actively supported by senior management. Employees will be involved in the decision-making process either as individuals or via representatives.

Our Commitment

Glide is committed, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure:

It shall be the duty of all employees at work to ensure:

These policy commitments are supported by defined occupational health & safety objectives set by management and reviewed periodically.

The Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed and updated as and when it is necessary. Communication of any such changes will be made to all employees.