Key Facts

1.6 Tbit/s
network data capacity

2,000 km +
dedicated fibre network

fibre towns and cities

200 +
fibre points-of-presence
Why use Glide’s services for your data centre?
Data centres need great connections to national and international networks. We currently provide resilient fibre services to a number of UK data centres, where they use our extensive high-speed, high-capacity dark fibre network to connect to other networks and their customers.
- Glide Fibre can build out to multiple carriers more cheaply than carriers can build-in.
- Comprehensive duct and cable networks bring recurring cross-connect revenues for the DC.
- Glide’s dark fibre connectivity makes selling data centre space easier and enhances the value of the site.
- Taking Glide’s services also provides long-term price and service competition.
How do we deliver your network?
Glide has been constructing fibre networks for Data Centres, Service Providers, Systems Integrators, Carriers and the Public Sector for over 10 years.
- We survey potential data centre locations and evaluate costs to connect carriers in the vicinity. Full separation will require wayleaves, permissions and construction which can then be included in your negotiations.
- We design, build and provide ownership of new duct routes using our Code Powers. We are New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) and Safety Standards in Procurement (SSIP) accredited.
- We can construct new cable routes in existing Openreach ducts using our Physical Infrastructure Access (PIA) approval. This reduces initial costs by up to 75% making it easier to get financial approval for new connections.
Get started
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