One of the best ways of dealing with student utility bills is to take the hassle out of organising shared bills among everyone in a property and have Glide split the bills easily on your behalf.

If you’re a student new to sharing a house then there will inevitably be questions you need to ask about student utilities, including:

What are student utility bills?

These are the gas, electricity, as well as water bills for your shared student property and these will need connecting and then paying for. There are a lot of utility providers available but it can be confusing and time-consuming contacting each one, giving them your details and arranging connection.

Do students have to pay water bills?

If you want to have a hot shower to wake you up before lectures or fill the kettle for a cuppa tea and a chat with a mate, then the answer is yes. All homes will have a water connection and this supply will need paying for.

How much do student utility bills cost per month?

Prices vary depending on the size of the property, how many people live there and what you use. For example, cranking the central heating up during cold winter days will push up your gas bill, whereas putting on a hoody will mean you don’t have to do live in sauna-like conditions and will save precious pounds (for those student union bar nights!).

Can I get bills covered with an all-inclusive rent?

If your landlord is offering an all-inclusive rent, then this will usually include the utility bills. These rents make it easier to budget through your stay in the property and if the landlord doesn’t offer all-inclusive rent, then mention that Glide will arrange the utility bills on their behalf.

Is student broadband included?

Most landlords will not be offering a student broadband deal, but Glide do and more is explained below.

Student broadband deals


Are all student broadband deals the same?

Put simply, no they aren’t. While there are lots of student broadband deals available, you will need to tread carefully because many of these may require you sign up for 12 months when you may only be in the property for nine months. You’ll still need to pay the three months that you aren’t living there, or pay a hefty disconnection fee. Sign up with a Glide student broadband deal and this will not be an issue.

Who is the cheapest student broadband provider?

There’s no straight answer for this question and while Glide has a good offering there are other providers with a range of prices, but you’ll need to focus on the broadband speed and whether you want to bundle telephone calls and a TV service into the deal.

What does Mbps mean?

When shopping around for student broadband deals it will soon become apparent that it’s not quite straightforward and you’ll need to understand what megabits per second means – which is usually expressed as Mbps. The higher the number, then generally the better the service since a high speed means you can connect lots of devices.

Should I get a 30-day rolling broadband contract?

There are student broadband deals that promise a 30-day rolling broadband contract. While these may appear to be useful, you’ll need to appreciate that they tend to be more expensive because of this flexibility.

Can I get the Glide student broadband deal?

There’s a simple check on the Glide website where you enter the postcode for your shared student house and the website will reveal what speeds are available.

Glide student bills

Should I sign up with Glide student bills?

For students in a shared house looking for an easy and simple way of paying their bills every month without having to rely on those they share with, or even cover their bills if they are skint, then the Glide student bills offering is worth a closer look. The friendly team can arrange connection of the utilities and then send a bill every month to everyone in the property for them to pay. The Glide student bills offering also includes broadband provision as well.

Is a bill splitting service worth it?

For many reasons, a bill splitting service for students in a shared property will help you budget effectively throughout your studies and also have someone else organise the connecting of the utilities and then ensure that the bills get paid because they will bill each person individually. So, if someone decides they cannot or will not pay, then it’s not your problem.

How does a bill splitting service work out the bills?

The bill splitting service will use their expertise and work out what the utilities will cost over a year for that particular property and then divide that by the number of months that you will be in the property and the number of housemates living there. If there’s a credit balance at the end of your stay in the shared house, then this will be returned to you.

Why Glide?

While there are other student bill splitting services available, Glide has 13 years’ experience in dealing with lots of students and help to simplify bills by combining all of the utilities into an equal bill that is split monthly. It’s a well-established bill splitting service and can deliver electricity and gas as well as broadband and water in just one simple bill.

It’s also a very straightforward bill splitting service to use since you’ll grab a free quote by choosing the services you need, including the TV licence, and then sign up with Glide and tell them when you want these utilities and services to begin.

And that’s it! Everything will be arranged and set up, including the broadband, which is usually much quicker than some household names and you can put your feet up, make a cup of tea and begin planning your Netflix binge-watching schedule. When not working on assignments, obviously.

For more help and information about signing up for sharing student utility bills equally, then contact the Glide team today.