Rather than encouraging all of you to stick to your ambitious New Year’s resolutions, we’ve decided to publish the plans of some of the Glide team. No backing out now, guys!

Amy, Operations

‘I’m afraid mine is typically boring. I want to lose weight and keep fit so that by the time summer comes around that all important beach bod can come out to play!’

Stuart, IT

‘I want to quit drinking during the week and I want to go totally dry throughout January. You can become a DryAthlete too and join me in the nation’s first Dryathlon for Cancer Research UK. Alternatively, if you’re feeling really generous, you can sponsor me.’

Daniel, Credit Control

‘Last year’s resolution was to quit smoking and I’m now eight months smoke free! This year’s resolution is to pass my accountancy exams and work even harder for Glide.’

Emily, HR

‘My New Year’s resolution is to reach my goal weight before the end of 2013.’ No clues as to what that is, though!

Oli, Account Management

‘To take on more responsibility at Glide and to further my career with the company.’

Maryam, Finance

‘My resolution in 2013 is to complete my ACCA qualification and to work hard to make Glide even better.’

Thohin, Sales

‘My New Year’s Resolution is to do more than 4 press-ups and reach my target of 20 press-ups’

Jon, Tech. Support

‘My New Years resolution is to eat well, smile often and never put the phone down until the customer is happy’

Rupinder, Tech. Support

I am going to start training again

Tyler, Sales

‘My new years resolution is to learn french and pass my driving test!’