If you’re off to pastures new this September, perhaps a new shared house, it’s likely you’ve sorted everything from bills to the cleaning rota, but have you thought about safety?

Being in a new house can be really exciting, it can also be pretty daunting if it’s your first time living without parents, or without the helpful security staff in student halls. We’ve found a few helpful tips, which can be found here: http://www.polesdirect.com/blog/a-students-guide-to-staying-safe/

Below we’ve highlighted the ones we feel are crucial…

  • Lock your doors – with so many people in your house going in and out at different times, it can be difficult to keep track of who’s locked the door. Make it a rule to always lock the door, regardless.
  • Put up some curtains – may seem like a hassle but it will help cover up your valuables at the property, so burglars won’t be tempted.
  • Get your laptop marked – Smart Water and all sorts of smart gadgets can be used, get in touch with your local police force to see what they offer.
We can’t guarantee that these measures will completely prevent burglary, but they’ll hopefully go a long way in protecting you.
For more information, and some great gems of advice, visit http://www.polesdirect.com/blog/a-students-guide-to-staying-safe/