Studying at a British university will be a fantastic experience for the many international students that choose to do so and there are ways to pay their utility bills UK easily.


Lots of students from overseas head to the UK for the chance to meet people from all over the British Isles as well as the rest of the world.

However, a new life away from home won’t be without its challenges. Every individual international student will have his or her own challenges depending on where they are from and their personality.

The following are some of the most common issues faced by international students, we’ve put together some basic advice on how to handle them.

Missing home

You are thousands of miles away from home, amongst new people and possibly in an unfamiliar culture. It is entirely natural to feel homesick.

The separation from family and friends can initially be very hard and not being able to ‘pop home’ like the British students makes it even more difficult.

Student broadband deals available through Glide Utilities

Keep in touch with your family via Skype, social media and email. The student broadband deals available through Glide Utilities include a faster fibre optic option, you’ll never have to wait to chat to your siblings when you really need a catch up.

It’s important to remember that you are not alone and there is support available. Talk to your new friends about how you feel. Seek guidance and accept any counselling offered by your university’s welfare department. There’s no point suffering with your feelings, get help and soon your homesickness will lessen and you’ll be able to really enjoy your new life.

Culture differences

Hopefully, you will make local friends via the internet before you move to your University City. A familiar voice, personality and face to guide you through the pitfalls of a new country and culture will be invaluable.

If this isn’t the case then make it your priority to learn all you can about the traditions, rules and social norms. A nation’s quirks are sometimes very strange to outsiders and you may not understand initially but very soon the oddities will become familiar and comforting.

Make friends as soon as you can!! Your housemates will help you to negotiate anything that seems overwhelming. The discussions you have about how your shared home will operate will mean conversation will flow as soon as you move in.

Understanding how to pay a utility bill UK

Understanding how to pay a utility bill UK may appear to be confusing but contact Glide Utilities and we’ll talk you through it – it’s great practise for embracing the challenges a new country will bring.

A big move is known to lead to a form of shock which manifests itself physically as well as mentally. Mood dips, aches, paranoia, loneliness and a feeling of being detached are common symptoms.

Chat with a friend, a university staff member or medical professional about how you feel. They will provide the support needed to re-adjust.

The language barrier

Presumably your decision to study at a UK university was helped by your confidence in speaking English. It’s wonderful to be fluent in a second language but do remember that local dialects and slang can be tricky to pick up, even for high achieving linguists.

Don’t be deterred or embarrassed. If there are any parts of the conversation you find confusing just ask the speaker to explain. It’s the quickest way to learn.

If you really are struggling then don’t hesitate to look into the language support service that the majority of UK universities offer. Their help and advice will be free and the resulting improvements in your relationships with peers invaluable.

Money worries

Higher education in the UK is now expensive for both local and international students. This can cause financial stress and a lack of means to truly enjoy the university experience.

The bills an international student may face can be difficult since they regularly land on our doormats.

However, by contacting Glide Utilities about how to make your household bills easy to manage, and this will include student broadband deals will help make life easier. The bills, including the TV license, will be paid with one simple monthly bill!

International students can also earn money while in the UK and are legally allowed to have a part time job with a maximum of a 20-hour week. Check social media, pay attention to word of mouth opportunities or download a job app such as Indeed.

Stick to a budget, be sensible with lump sum grants and loans, make the most of student discounts and don’t allow yourself to spiral into debt.


Feeling lonely is caused by more than missing home. A lack of confidence, self-esteem or just plain shyness will hold you back from making friends and really enjoying your time studying in the UK.

Be brave! Join clubs and societies, accept invites to nights out or meeting up in the student union. Every fresher is nervously wondering if they will fit in, not just the international ones, you’re all scared.

The leap out of your comfort zone will be hard at first but it’s worth every moment of feeling awkward when you find yourself laughing with new friends who appreciate your quirkiness just as much as you are mystified by theirs.

For more help and advice about utility bills UK then contact our team here at Glide by emailing,