Gen Z are shaping the future.

Examining Generation Z

Times are changing, the perception of what a ‘typical student’ is, is changing.  With the new Generation comes a new set of attitudes, lifestyles and culture, so it’s important to keep up to date with your student tenants and see what makes them tick

They want a better world.

76% of Gen Z are worried about the climate change and the current state of the planet. 26% of people aged 16-19 volunteer and 60% claim that they are working to make a difference. This generation is hardworking and striving for a better tomorrow.

Show students you’re doing your bit by becoming Become more energy considerate with energy saving light bulbs; they reduce greenhouse emissions and can reduce your electric bill by up to 90 percent.


The digital world is all they know.

Born from 1996 onwards, this generation would have grown up when the first iPhone was released. They’ve had technology and access to mounds of information at their fingertips from an early age. Being used to easily accessing everything, almost instantly. They know what they want and want it now.

A fast broadband connection is essential for any new tenants, not only that, it’s worth considering how to communicate through the various social media platforms. Target that part of their life where they spend hours a day immersed in.

Owning a property is important to them.

Gen Z are interested in longer leases and rent prices which allow them to save to buy a home. This generation values home ownership and sees it as an ultimate life goal. In fact, 97 percent of Generation Z believe they will own a home in the future.

Binge drinking is a thing of the past.

Nearly 30% of young people say they do not drink at all whereas binge-drinking rates have dropped from 27% in 2005 to 18% in 2015. Times really are a changing. 25% of young people classed themselves as “non-drinkers”.

Staying in, is the new going out. A lot of Generation Z see going out and spending loads of money as a wasteful exercise. Opting more for “kickbacks” which is basically staying in, making food and hanging out. Gone are the trashy house parties of yesteryear, so expect to see a lot less vomit and cigarette stained carpets from your new tenants.

Generation Z are shaping up to be a new age of considerate, hardworking people. And are looking to be ideal tenants for any landlords.