No one really likes talking about money but when it comes to a student bill splitting service, it’s a conversation well worth having.

Why? Well, when you split your utility bills when living in a student house, you not only understand how to budget for them effectively but also have them paid on time.

This keeps everyone in the house happy and makes your life so much easier.

Shared bills with us is a great way to sort your bills, you also get a free quote super easy. It takes less than a minute and you can choose everything you need for your student home from the gas and electricity to the water and broadband.

It also helps that you get your own online account so that you can keep track of everything all in once place. From making payments to checking your energy usage, it couldn’t be simpler.

It also means you don’t have to research extensively to find a gas supplier for a student property, then an electricity supplier and then – though if we are honest this task will probably be done first – search for a student broadband service.

For those who are moving into a student property for the first time, this can be a daunting experience and can end up being pretty stressful.

Up until now, your parents will have dealt with sourcing the utility providers and paying the bills. That’s when life was less complicated! And cheaper!! Ahh that was the life.

The other big attraction for using a bill splitting service is that the provider will arrange the service and then organise the monthly payment that everyone will need to make.

They do this by working out how much you are expected to use every year based on year of experience and then break that down into average monthly contributions. No fuss, no headaches, sorted!

More importantly, there’s no arguing between housemates as you don’t move into a property working out who owes what and when because this is always down to the most organised person to take responsibility. There’s one in every shared home but it shouldn’t be down to just them.

And should no-one take up this great opportunity of organising everyone, sorting out a spreadsheet to keep track of the bills and working out who’s paid and who hasn’t then you could find yourself struggling to pay the bills, which could mean the electricity, for instance, being cut off.

That’s the price you will pay for not maintaining payments to the utility provider when the bill splitting service manages to sort your bills with one easy payment.

This promise of no faffing when setting up the bills and then splitting between everyone will lead to the avoidance of awkward conversations that most of the housemates probably don’t want to have.

With Glide’s bill splitting service they remove the stress and hassle when students move into a new home and it’s a quick and easy process to undertake.

Organising The Bill Sharing Service

Organising the bill splitting service is much like going on a first date and then asking to split the bill. Though it appears that not everyone understands why.

In fact, in many ways, dating is similar to student house sharing because there are rules that apply when living together that you probably don’t even consider beforehand.

So, when out on a date some will expect the man to stump up for the meal, but in a world of equality, then this would be split 50-50. Would it not?

This issue was highlighted on the Channel 4 show ‘First Dates’ when one woman created a stir when she said that splitting the bill with a guy on a first date is a ‘complete no-no’.

Though on the night in question, she was more than happy to split the bill because she was overwhelmed by how romantic her first date was and worryingly added, ‘I’m not used to that at all’.

Then it was smiles all round when both participants said they wanted to see each other again.

Though the lesson we can take from the First Date show is that splitting the bill when everybody’s being honest is probably the best way to go, rather than relying on the generosity of others should you be unable to pay.

This can be problematic in a shared student house when somebody may not have enough money to pay a bill that may land.

It’s no point tapping empty pockets and asking for others to pay when heading out to the pub to meet friends because these bills need to be paid.

That’s because it’s not just about paying for utilities but establishing a decent credit record as well though coming home to a property where the electricity has been turned off can be upsetting.

Imagine a shared home where the lights don’t work and, horror of horrors, there’s no Wi-Fi either.

It’s this question of sharing the cost of what everyone has enjoyed that we all should take on board.

Student Broadband? What’s the deal..

Having mentioned the First Dates programme and splitting bills to avoid having no Wi-Fi means that the competition between providers of student broadband deals has become really intense.

Not only have these providers switched on to the fact that students want the cheapest and best possible deal but they’ve also woken up to the fact that students will probably not be living in their shared home for a year.

This means they need a contract that runs for nine months and can be flexible when students move on or need to stay in the house for the summer holidays.

If you want to enjoy some telly and superfast fibre to power your student life, then accessing great student broadband deals is the name of the game.

This can also be provided by Glide so you won’t have to shop around various broadband providers in the hope of scoring the best deal when this will be done for you and included as part of the bundled offering so you pay for it every month.

When it comes to student bill splitting and understanding why you should do it, the bottom line is that Glide can offer a great service with the gas, water and electricity being organised and paid for every month and add in a broadband connection as well. What’s not to like about that? The friendly team are available to discuss the various options available.

Give us a call on  0333 240 9030