It’s that time of year again, students are already looking for their accommodation and your Letting period has started to ramp up. With Lettings in full swing there’s loads to do and things to consider. With that in mind, if you’re offering bills inclusive rent and securing the costs with your tenants, have you thought about the possible rise in energy prices between now and when your tenants move in?

The energy market is forever fluctuating and it’s important to take this into consideration when securing rents. The last thing you want to do is to set your prices then have to increase them when your tenant moves in to cover the cost. 

*Glide locked in prices versus possible increase in energy market

So, what should you do? Look at how energy has risen year on year and factor that in to your rents, at least by doing that your bills inclusive rent can remain the same preventing any upset tenants who may end up paying more than they have budgeted for. Or to make life easier, the good news is that we have secured our energy prices until June next year, so if you’re offering bills inclusive to your tenants, that’s one less thing to worry about. 

If you’d like to chat to one the team about setting your bills inclusive rents and how we can help, email