Nights are getting colder and darker, winter has closed in fast. We want you to get home safely. So, we’ve put together a few handy tips to consider when venturing out after dark to make sure you are the safest when travelling to and from uni and home.

Stick together!

Safety in numbers is always important. If you can, always stick together and don’t leave your friends behind. It’s easy to lose your mates on a night out, especially when out clubbing. But the safest way to travel back, is for a group of you to tackle the darkness together!

Make sure your phones charged!

Charge your phone before you go out, you don’t want to be stuck in the middle of the nowhere trying to follow the north star home! Also make sure you have enough charge in case you need to book an Uber or taxi home.

However, don’t get distracted by being constantly on your phone. Stay vigilante about people and surroundings around you.

Plan ahead

Before you go out plan your route home. Check which journey is the most public and the least dangerous.

Alternatively, prebook your taxi before you head home and make sure you are waiting in a safe place while waiting for your Uber or taxi.

If you’re getting public transport, then check the times and allocate plenty of time so you don’t miss your last ride home!

Lastly, let people know where you are

If you have to travel by yourself then let a friend, flat mate or family member know where you are going, who you are meeting. Then let them know you got home safely.

Enjoy your nights out, live the best uni life but always be wary of your surroundings, your belongings and never leave your drinks unattended.

Importantly stay safe this winter, look out for each other and have an amazing time!