Uni is coming to a halt as your making your way back home for Christmas. A time spent stuffing faces with food, napping, drinking and watching Home Alone and Elf (again)

But before you make the journey home, there’s a few things you should consider when leaving your property over Christmas.

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Keep your house and belongings safe!

Tell your landlord you’re leaving.

Inform your landlord that your place will be vacant for however long it will be until you return. Usually this is part of your tenancy agreement if you are leaving longer than 14 consecutive days.

Heat your property!

Cold is coming! Temperatures will dive below freezing from now for at least a couple of months. With that in mind there’s a risk of frozen pipes leading to leaks, floods and your pipes actually freezing over- now that is definitely not what you need heading in to the new year after the Christmas high. You will be responsible to heat the property throughout your tenancy and a part of that responsibility is ensuring the heating is on over the holidays. Simply set it up to go on a few hours, morning and night throughout the day.

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Remember, these key things so you don’t have to worry about your property while you’re back at home and have a merry Christmas!

And most importantly….have a great Christmas and New Year!