Birmingham, UK - 22nd February 2023: Altnet Glide saw its highest ever-data usage peak last week (15 February), overtaking the previously recorded spike in December 2022 during the World cup. At around 9pm, Glide customers were using a combined 438 Gbps showing a 75% increase in peak usage since early 2021.
Season 2 of the popular Call of Duty video games was released at 6pm, followed by an Amazon Prime match between table leader Arsenal and Manchester City. And at 8pm, Chelsea lost 1-0 to Borussia Dortmund in the last- stage of the Champions League.
As the 7th largest ISP in the UK, demand on Glides network has been increasing year-on-year nearly doubling the AltNets demands since 2021. The latest usage peak is the highest-ever demand seen on the Glide owned network.
Lewis Robinson, Glides Network Architect, said: “We are constantly developing and expanding our network to ensure resilience that exceeds our customers' demands. At Glide we ensure the Core, Peering and Transit networks have the resiliency and capacity to deliver the overall network's requirements, this includes the ability to deliver peak traffic even in failure scenarios.
The growth over a two-year period shows the demand within the asset classes we support and the overall digital transformation we are experiencing as a society.”